Without people and their skills, there isn’t a company.  

But the old saying you join a company and leave a boss holds true for many people.

Understanding the people dynamics, how they interact and communicate within your company is essential to any transformation. 

As part of our assessment process we map the psychological attributes of your team on 124 factors. Comparing the values of each organisational unit creates a critical guide map to your culture.

Behavioural psychology enables us to explain the motivations of your team and their preferred communication methods, giving us the ability to making lasting change happen for your organisation.

One of the key insights psychology offers is that resistance to change is a normal, predictable reaction among certain types of your employees, even your fellow board members. By anticipating this resistance, you will be able to take proactive steps to address it.

A Talent Heatmap

We have evaluated many tools to understand your teams. From Myers Briggs to DISC, colors or insights. We believe that Values Modes has the biggest real world impact on transforming your team.

Motivating employees to embrace transformation is another area where psychology can make a significant impact. Intrinsic motivation—where employees find personal meaning and satisfaction in their work—is more powerful and sustainable than extrinsic motivation (such as rewards or bonuses).

Psychological frameworks like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Self-Determination Theory provide valuable insights into how businesses can design transformation initiatives that tap into intrinsic motivators, such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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